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Have You Made a Great People Move This Quarter?

Written by Gino Wickman on May 23, 2013

Implementers EOS

One great people moveA couple of years ago, I wrote an article regarding the impact on an organization of making a great people move every quarter.

I was reminded of the article this week during a session with a client. After a year and a half of effort, they finally got the right person in the right seat heading up their Operations. Operational issues consumed our sessions for the year and a half. They went through three different people until they finally found the right one. Now that they finally have the right person in place, operational issues only took up about 10 percent of the session. The pendulum has swung the other way, to where operations is now pushing other departments and applying pressure to deliver now that they are able to handle the capacity. For example, sales is now being pushed to bring in more.

After over 1,400 full-day sessions with over 125 companies and over 11,000 hours of working with leadership teams, I’m convinced that the number one impact on an organization’s growth, once the vision is clear and the structure is right, comes from getting the right people in the right seats.

Have you made your great people move this quarter? That might mean making a great hire to fill a much-needed empty seat, firing someone who no longer is the right person for a seat, or moving someone into the right seat or out of the wrong seat.

Which wheel is squeaking the most right now? A great people move might be your solution.

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