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Chris Jones

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Unshackle Your Leadership Talents

Written by Chris Jones on May 7, 2018

The unique talent that I bring to my business is my ability to manage my calendar and email,” said no leader ever.

Often, leaders get trapped into doing things like scheduling and email while the hours in our day vanish with little or no benefit to the company. I’m not sure why we get trapped doing things like this, but it’s common. This work could easily be done by someone else, but many leaders resist delegating these tasks – to the detriment of themselves and their companies.

EOS Implementers™ teach clients to use The Assistance Track™to refocus how they use their time. A large part of this involves handing off tasks to someone else who is better suited to do those tasks.

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Are You Causing Entrepreneurial Train Wrecks in Your Business?

Written by Chris Jones on January 29, 2018

As entrepreneurs, sometimes we can be our own worst enemies. We can get easily bored, leaving us with a need to “stir things up” to make things exciting again. For me, this stems from an intense desire to make things better. Whatever the motivation, this need for change and excitement can cause a crisis in our business.

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