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Simple Way to Improve Business Meetings Offered by EOS Worldwide

Written by EOS Worldwide on June 18, 2012

There’s a simple way to improve meetings, according to EOS Worldwide, home of the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®). EOS founder, Gino Wickman, created the Level 10 Meeting™ agenda (available as a free download at for this purpose and recommends ending each meeting by asking attendants to give a rating on a scale of 1-10. Wickman said “Meetings are a necessary evil in business. They are the moment of truth for leadership teams. They’re an opportunity for getting on the same page, solving problems, creating ideas and reporting on what’s important. It’s vital that your meetings are great. That’s non-negotiable.” By following the simple agenda that makes up the Level 10 Meeting, leaders can strive to achieve a perfect 10 each week.

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How to Start a Coaching Business Program Now Available from EOS Worldwide

Written by EOS Worldwide on June 7, 2012

EOS Worldwide, creators of the Entrepreneurial Operation System®, (EOS®), have launched a training program designed to help individuals learn how to start a business coaching system by becoming a Professional EOS Implementer™. EOS Implementer training can be used by business owners and entrepreneurs who want to master the EOS leadership development system within their own organization, but the training was primarily designed for those professionals interested in carrying out implementation in multiple businesses. The training is a unique opportunity to interact with the most experienced EOS Implementers in the world – a rare opportunity for serious entrepreneurs and business leaders.

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Brogan & Partners expands staff by 5 in downtown Birmingham

Written by EOS Worldwide on May 10, 2012

A little more than a year ago, Brogan & Partners began implementing a new program focused on changing the company for the better called the Entrepreneurial Operating System.

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Company Mission Statements Key to Success Reports EOS Worldwide®

Written by EOS Worldwide on May 6, 2012

Company mission statements result in a more successful organization, according to EOS Worldwide®. The creators of the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®), recently reported that companies who have well-developed mission statements that accurately describe the purpose of the business tend to be more successful and stay in business longer than those who don’t. According to Gino Wickman, EOS Founder, “Defining a company mission statement, or as we call it, a Core Focus™, isn’t always an easy process, but it’s an extremely valuable exercise that helps business owners fully clarify their purpose for the business and gives everyone a central purpose to focus on. A great mission statement also makes it easy for other organizations to gain insight into what you do.”

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EOS Worldwide® Offers Work Life Balance Coaching for Business Owners

Written by EOS Worldwide on April 20, 2012

EOS Worldwide®, creators of the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®), now offers work life balance coaching for business owners. According to the business management experts at EOS Worldwide, achieving a healthy work life balance is a common challenge among today’s small to mid-size business owners who are working hard to stay competitive. Don Tinney, Certified EOS Implementer™ said, “Being overworked and over stressed is common for business owners, but it doesn’t have to be that way. When you spend too much of your life focused on work, you can get burnt out and this makes it impossible to focus on both your personal and professional goals. Learning how to maintain a healthy balance between work and other meaningful priorities is essential for the success of any business owner, and when you can pass these skills on down to your staff, that just increases the benefits.”

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