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The Accountability Chart and the Three Major Functions

Written by EOS Worldwide on December 6, 2012

No matter how great your people are, if the organization doesn’t have the right structure in place, you’ll never grow to the next level and gain traction on the business. The Accountability Chart is a powerful tool that helps business owners get the right structure in place, by forcing leadership teams to look at their organization in a completely different way, and to address the people issues that have been holding them back.

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Getting the Right People in the Right Seat

Written by EOS Worldwide on November 12, 2012

In his bestselling book, Good to Great, author Jim Collins popularized the concept that a critical element to an organization’s success comes down to getting the right people in the right seat. No matter how much time a leadership team spends developing their vision with a business coach and communicating those shared goals and beliefs throughout the business, it does little good if they don’t have the right structure in place and the right people for the job.

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Assessing Your Team with the People Analyzer™

Written by EOS Worldwide on November 9, 2012

Does your leadership team get caught up when discussing “people issues”, those discussions about problems with employees that seem to just eat up valuable planning or meeting time without accomplishing anything? While it’s important to discuss these types of issues with your leadership team, business coaches urge team members to use a more constructive way of solving those people issues, as they can really be a drain on the business over time.

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Bringing Your Issues Into the Open

Written by EOS Worldwide on October 20, 2012

Once a business coach has helped a leadership team define goals and priorities and create a clear vision for the future, they next look at all of the possible obstacles that could prevent the business from being successful in their efforts to achieve those goals. Even the most successful organizations have “issues” from time to time: those problems or obstacles that could prevent future growth and development and limit your overall success. The key is to identify your potential problems and by bringing them out into the open by placing them on an Issues List.

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EOS Worldwide® Launches New Informational Video with Customer Testimonials

Written by EOS Worldwide on October 20, 2012

EOS Worldwide® recently published a new video titled “The EOS® Story”, which provides real client testimonials and information about how the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®), equips entrepreneurs and small business leaders with simple tools to improve communication, develop stronger traction within the organization, and improve the business overall. The new video from EOS demonstrates how easy it is for leadership teams to relate to the principles of the system and carry them out in their own organizations. Don Tinney, EOS Certified Implementer™, said “EOS client testimonials speak to the simplicity and power he system offers, and shows how the principles of EOS can help entrepreneurs overcome obstacles, break through the ceiling and propel their businesses to the next level.” At the end of the free video business owners and business coaches can request additional information about implementing EOS in any business.

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