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Selecting a Guarantee: Finding the Problem and Being the One to Solve It

Written by EOS Worldwide on September 19, 2012

When putting together a marketing strategy, business coaches and leadership teams will often take a deep dive into how the business operates and interacts with customers in order to develop a guarantee they will stand behind. From a business standpoint, a guarantee is your opportunity to pinpoint an industry wide problem and solve it. It can also be thought of as a pledge, commitment, or a promise. When customers know they can count on you for specific services the way they expect them, it will put their minds at ease and help you cultivate more business while developing a positive public image.

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What Makes You Unique?

Written by EOS Worldwide on September 17, 2012

One of the first steps in business coaching is to determine the Three Uniques of a business, or the top three differentiators that make one business better than the competition. Leadership teams often skip this step when they are just starting out, only to find themselves struggling to truly define their vision and values down the road. Competing in too many sectors, markets, services or product lines isn’t an effective way to get ahead. Business coaches teach leadership teams to avoid trying to be all things to all people, instead showing them how to develop a strategic focus that puts the business on the right path for success.

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Defining Your Path: What’s Your Core Focus?

Written by EOS Worldwide on September 11, 2012

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Setting a 10-Year Target™ for Your Business

Written by EOS Worldwide on September 4, 2012

There’s a common thread that unites the most successful leadership teams and the most successful companies in the world: they all have a habit of regularly setting and achieving both short-term and long-term goals for the business, and are constantly working on a path that helps them achieve those goals.

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Defining Vision with the Vision/Traction Organizer™ (V/TO™)

Written by EOS Worldwide on August 25, 2012

Do you know where your company is going and what steps it will take to get there? Every effective leadership team has a strong vision statement that defines who they are, what they do, where they are going and how they will get there. EOS Implementers (business coaches who have been trained to apply EOS) help business owners define the vision of the business by completing the Vision/Traction Organizer™, or V/TO™. The V/TO helps leadership teams and business owners create a clear picture of where the company is going and how it will get there – and it does it all in only 2 pages.

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