Imagine yourself at a basketball game. Just before the tip-off, the announcer lets everyone know that although the scoreboard isn’t working, tonight’s game will go on as scheduled. He explains that the players are ready to go and that the sports writers will report the outcome by the end of the month. Would you be content to watch the action and then wait a few weeks for the results?
Rene Boer
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Topics: Implementers, EOS
Before starting the EOS Process with prospective clients, I ask them to rate the effectiveness of their meetings on a scale of 1 to 10 (where 10 is great). Over the last 5 years I have asked that question of over two hundred leaders. On average, they rated their meetings a 4.7 - Not great. There's nothing like a number to cut to the chase and quickly assess how we're doing.
Topics: Implementers, EOS
Does your organization or company have a number one goal, a BHAG (big, hairy and audacious), a 10 YEAR TARGET? If you have one, is it audacious; does it inspire and motivate you? Or have you limited yourself by what you think is possible instead of the possibilities of daring greatly.
Topics: Implementers, EOS
In each EOS session, I ask clients if there are any "people issues". To create clarity around any discussion about people we use the Accountability Chart™ and the People Analyzer™. It's amazing how quickly these two tools focus the discussion and take egos, opinions and emotions about people issues out of the debate.
Topics: Implementers, EOS
Doing more doesn’t necessarily help you get more from your business. Instead of trying to do more, focus on doing less. Here are five practical, real-world tips from my clients that have helped them get better traction:
Topics: Implementers, EOS