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Do Business Owners Have Their Own Rules?

Written by Ed Callahan on June 30, 2016

Leadership Integrator Rocket Fuel Visionary

Do Business Owners Have Their Own Rules?In almost all small businesses, owners have dual roles in their companies. Sometimes many more. This can be problematic. It’s like the kid who owned the basketball in a pickup game who, if they didn’t get their way, could always resort to “it’s my ball and if we don’t do it my way I am going home.”

The Owner Card

This can be true when the owner is also the President of the company or when there are multiple owners who own several functional seats, like sales or finance. It is very difficult for non-owner leaders to stand toe-to-toe with a leader who can play the “owner card.”

What Rules Apply to Business Owners?

To get a sense of what rules do apply to owners, watch this short video by Mark C. Winters. There are only two EOS terms you need to understand to appreciate the importance of this video: Visionary and Integrator. The Visionary is equivalent to the CEO and the Integrator can be thought of as the President or Chief Operating Officer.

All owners and leaders will benefit from reading Rocket Fuel by Gino Wickman and Mark C. Winters. You can buy it here on Amazon.

Next Steps

  • Download a free chapter of Rocket Fuel
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  • Request a free 90-Minute Meeting with an EOS Implementer to get a clear picture of what it looks like to run your company on EOS

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This article was originally posted on the Coherent Coaching blog on May 10, 2016.

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