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What’s in a Preposition?

Written by Ed Callahan on November 3, 2015

What’s in a preposition? Maybe everything when it comes to running your company. What I am talking about is the difference between BY and WITH.

Every successful company has a simple road map for their future. Among the mandatory items on that roadmap are: the company’s core values, the core focus of the company, its long-term vision, its marketing strategy for accomplishing that vision, its medium-term vision, its vision for the next year, the objectives it will work on for the next quarter, and a compilation of the opportunities and obstacles it doesn’t currently have the resources to handle. There may be other items on your company’s road map, but these are the basics.

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Do You Trust Your Teammates?

Written by Ed Callahan on August 10, 2015

Trust in Teams Is Fundamental For Their Success

But what does trust really imply? Here Patrick Lencioni, best-selling author, consultant and expert on building winning teams, discusses the importance of trust and the difference between predictive trust and vulnerability-based trust within a company.

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The Art of Saying “No”—Leadership Lessons from the Cockpit

Written by Randy Taussig on August 6, 2015

Lesson #7: Leadership Lessons from the Cockpit

I used to be a bit intimidated by Air Traffic Control (ATC). I believed they were the ultimate authority for each flight, and I went to great lengths to always follow their instructions. But as I gained a better understanding of my roles and responsibilities in the air, I realized that I’m the one ultimately accountable for the safety of each flight. That means sometimes questioning or refusing ATC’s direction. Consider these examples:

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Meetings to Share Information

Written by Don Tinney on August 3, 2015

I concluded my prior blog article, How many Meetings Do I Need With Whom?, urging you to do highly focused meetings with the fewest, right people participating. This article will give you some practical guidelines for using meetings to share information.

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Leadership then Management

Written by Mike Roth on July 30, 2015

As Stephan Covey once said, "Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out."

In today's hectic business world, it is easy to get caught up in everything and lose sight of what the priorities really are. Sometimes, the priorities are clear but the execution process is difficult.

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