We all have issues. A shocking confession, I know! By definition, an issue is an important topic for debate or discussion. Consequently, issues aren’t just problems to be solved, threats to be thwarted, or obstacles to overcome, but they include opportunities to be grasped and challenges to be embraced.
Smart + Healthy = Enduring Success: Long-Term Issues
Written by Mark Abbott on November 13, 2014
Topics: Implementers, EOS
Yes. It’s true – happened this September. My business partner Alex Freytag & I were Halfway up Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, when our guide left us. To be fair, his wife was having an emergency appendectomy. But still, it did cause us more than a little concern; we still had 6,000 vertical feet to go (the peak is at 19,341 feet).
Topics: Implementers, EOS
Some of the best meetings that I’ve been in lately are the ones where members of the leadership team challenge each other. There’s debate and pushback and the discussions are heated. Each person is actively engaged putting the greater good of the organization ahead of personal agendas. Sometimes the feedback they give each other stings a little. But, when the dust settles there’s clarity around the root cause. Conflict creates clarity.
Topics: Implementers, EOS
Organizational Vision Problems
Most entrepreneurs can clearly see a vision for their business. Their problem is that they assume everyone else in the organization can see it too. Most of the time they don’t, and as a result, leaders end up frustrated, staff become confused, and the company gets stuck in the mud without any traction to move forward.
Topics: Implementers, EOS
After a recent EOS session, the owner made a comment about the importance of repetition in mastering a skill. Specifically, he was talking about the weekly Level 10 meeting and, after just six meetings, how much better his team was becoming at identifying, discussing and solving issues, getting things done, improving communication and team health. He told his team, “Imagine how much better we’ll be after 52 weekly Level 10 meetings?”
Topics: Implementers, EOS