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The (Neverending) Journey to 100% Strong

Written by Mike Paton on August 21, 2014

In the first three sessions with a new client, an EOS Implementer (like me) spends as much as half the time helping the leadership team strengthen their organization's "People Component." Both in and between those sessions, the leadership team is working hard to get the Right Structure for the organization, and to make sure the company is filled with the Right People in the Right Seats. The EOS Tools we rely on to strengthen the People Component in this way are Core Values, the Accountability Chart, the People Analyzer and GWC.

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What's Your Secret Sauce?

Written by Jim Coyle on August 18, 2014

No one cares what you do. I know this seems a bit harsh but it is a reality all the same. There are many other companies that can fulfill the need your company currently fills or what you do. But there are probably none that can fill that need in the way or HOW you do it. It is not the "What" that your customers care about, it is the "How you do what you do" that makes you special. So, why is it that so few companies truly have their How documented?

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Scale Up Lessons from King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table

Written by Jonathan Smith on August 15, 2014

I was reflecting on King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table and realized that it provides a very potent lesson when scaling up leadership teams concerning team health. The Knights of the Round Table had a “Code of Chivalry.” This pact outlined the 12 basic rules of the Knights of the Round Table.

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Elevate Your Whole Company

Written by Jim Coyle on August 11, 2014

So, your company is on target to grow 20% this year. That’s great, but are you also set to grow 20% this year? Is your team? As businesses grow, the people in it have to grow and develop as well. With growth comes new challenges, which means you need to have the know-how to handle them. If you are not continuously developing yourself and your team, then at some point you won’t be able to handle the growth. What if there was an easy way to make sure you are moving up, and into the position your company needs you in, and the whole time, elevating the skills of your company?

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The Speed of Trust

Written by Ed Callahan on August 7, 2014

The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything by Stephen M. R. Covey is a excellent companion to Patrick Lencioni’s The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else In Business. The latter explains why trust matters in business. The former is a handbook which, after anchoring Trust as a function of two things: character and competence, explains how Trust is given and earned on five levels (he calls them waves): self, relationship, organizational, market and societal. It focuses on how we, organizations and society can (must?) extricate ourselves out of situations we find ourselves in by behaving differently.

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