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8 Questions to Achieve Your Company Vision: Have you Mapped Out Your Path for This Year?

Written by Jim Coyle on March 6, 2014

So, you want to get to a specific location - let's say Grand Island, Nebraska. To get there in the timeliest fashion you will need a specific tool - a map. Nowadays this map may come in other forms (GPS, your phone, print out from, etc.), but the fact remains you still need a map to get there. You need a map because you have never been there and you don't know the way. Now, think about where you want to take your company. Have you been there before?

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6 Key Drivers of Success

Written by Dan Wallace on March 3, 2014

A few weeks ago, a friend sent us an article by New York Times business columnist Adam Bryant along with this question, “In your experience, do these six ‘success drivers’ make sense?”

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Company Core Values – Do You Believe?

Written by Dan Wallace on February 27, 2014

I read a post on LinkedIn from Harvard Business School Professor Michael Wheeler, a behavioural economist (essentially a psychologist who tries to understand why we consistently do the seemingly irrational things we all do). You can see his post here. It describes an appalling situation – a British Marine was recently convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison for killing a wounded and helpless enemy fighter in Afghanistan. Wheeler postulated that only a clear statement of a core belief, “Marines Don’t Do That,” might have been enough to stop the soldier from committing what most view as a crime.

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All You Can Eat “Rock” Buffet

Written by Walt Brown on February 24, 2014

Recently I was doing my favorite thing, I was in the room with one of my EOS client teams. This team of five has been on The Journey for a bit over a year with 6 Rock Setting experiences under their belts.

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Time Management for Entrepreneurs

Written by Jonathan Smith on February 21, 2014

I learned about Dan Sullivan's and Strategic Coach's Entrepreneurial Time System™ when I was a student in their program in 2001.

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