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Speeding Up By Slowing Down

Written by Dan Wallace on November 18, 2013

We just met a Leadership Team that works hard to move their business forward as fast as possible. So when a new issue emerges, one of them takes the lead to tackle it right away, even though the issue may need input from other members of the team. The first thing the lead person does is try to get the right people in the room to discuss and solve it.

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Michael Gerber’s “E-Myth Revisited”

Written by Ed Callahan on November 11, 2013

Michael Gerber’s E-Myth Revisited is one of the books we recommend to our EOS client leadership teams. You can buy a copy here on Amazon in your preferred media.

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Leverage your strengths?

Written by Mike Roth on November 7, 2013

In the world of EOS, we often talk about "elevating to our unique ability" and delegating the rest. Dan Sullivan writes in his book, How The Best Get Better, "Focusing on one's weaknesses leads to a constant struggle with oneself throughout life--accompanied by a sense of deficiency, failure, and guilt....The best entrepreneurs in the world have discovered that the key to success is to focus totally on their Unique Ability and to delegate everything else."

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I'm Confused

Written by Dan Wallace on November 4, 2013

In an EOS® Annual Planning session last week, one of our clients put “Fear of Conflict” and “Failure to Hold Each Other Accountable” on their Issues List. Those issues are obviously connected. Yet when it came time to solve issues, the team chose to work on just about anything but those two. They were, it turned out, afraid of the conflict they might experience if they tried to figure out why they were afraid of conflict.

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Throw a Flag Ref!

Written by Chris White on October 31, 2013

We are finally in football season! And if you’re a fan, whether it’s Pop Warner, high school, college or the pro’s, you have either heard or maybe even yelled “Throw the Flag Ref!” when you see an illegal block, blatant un-sportsman like conduct or some other infraction by a player. People at sporting events are always yelling at the refs, some with great zeal and passion while others don’t waste their breath because they think they can’t be heard (and in most of today’s professional stadiums, this may be true).

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