”Five frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump off. How many are left? Five, because deciding is different than doing.” That is how Fred Kofman begins his post entitled Are You Making This Mistake at the End of Your Meetings? If you are a member of LinkedIn, you can read the whole post here. It is worth it. Lots of practical advice. The gist is that you must make a commitment to solve the problem, not just discuss it.
Topics: Implementers, EOS
Topics: Implementers, EOS
LMA is an abbreviation for “Leadership, Management & Accountability. Think of it as a formula; L + M = A. You can’t create Accountability, it must be taken. Accountability is an outcome, a bi-product of great Leadership and Management. Great bosses are masters of LMA. They know how to get the best from their people by keeping them energized and engaged.
Topics: Implementers, EOS
Chris White, a Certified EOS Implementer in Florida recently shared a link to a thought provoking video. Click here to view the video.
Topics: Implementers, EOS
In his book, What Got You Here Won’t Get You There Marshall Goldsmith points out that the fundamental beliefs that drive our success can also make us resistant to change. We overestimate our contributions and sometimes take credit for things that others have accomplished while often ignoring our own shortcomings. These delusions are the result of success, not failure. He observes that the four key beliefs that have helped us become successful can also make it very difficult for us to affect change.
Topics: Implementers, EOS