I once worked for a boss who, following a discussion about whether or not someone had the skill to do the job or the ability to learn it quickly, would ask the questions "Does she have a fire in the belly to do the job and how does she demonstrate it?" He was sending a message - people will tell you they want the job but their actions don't follow their words. "Show me, don't tell me", was his mantra.
Topics: Implementers, EOS
Those familiar with EOS know that an Accountability Chart crystallizes roles and responsibilities for everyone in the organization. It’s built by focusing first on the right structure for the organization – identifying the major functions (seats) necessary to execute on the company’s vision over the next 6-12 months and then carefully defining the five roles the owner of each seat must obsess about every day to be successful. Only then can you focus on getting the right people in the right seats. It’s a simple tool that clearly defines the things for which every single person in the organization is accountable.
Topics: Implementers, EOS
At a recent annual meeting with one of my EOS clients, the leadership team, as part of the process, challenged their entire strategic plan. In EOS terminology, they examined the answers to the eight questions in their Vision/Traction Organizer (V/TO). You can download a copy here.
Topics: Implementers, EOS
A new client of mine who had just completed the Accountability Chart with his team was clearly in the Visionary seat. After the exercise he said:
Topics: Implementers, EOS
One of my favorite Monty Python skits is "What have the Romans ever done for us?" Watch it here.
Topics: Implementers, EOS