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Decide, then Act - Get a grip, stay in gear!

Written by Rene Boer on March 17, 2011

Teddy Roosevelt once said that “when presented with a problem the best thing to do is to make the right decision, the next best thing is to make the wrong decision and the worst thing is to make no decision.”

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Setting Goals and Living in a 90-Day World™

Written by Ed Callahan on March 14, 2011

Most EOS clients have recently finished their annual planning sessions (most in December and January).

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Three Steps to Clearing the Fog with a Strong Data Component

Written by Mike Paton on March 10, 2011

Most entrepreneurs are flying blind – running their businesses on vague sensations, feelings and emotions, rather than data. During a week in which a company wins a big order, gets some positive feedback from a key client, and finally finds the right person to fill a key seat – the company’s owner(s) feel as though they run the very best business in the world. The following week, when the company loses a big sale, gets negative feedback from a client and has to deal with a few people issues – the owner(s) feel as though they run the most troubled company out there.

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How to Have Effective Meetings

Written by Don Tinney on March 7, 2011

In considering all the different suggestions for how to have effective meetings, it’s important to focus on the desired outcome. Any meeting you conduct should first have clearly stated, meaningful objectives and a matching agenda to meet those objectives. Don’t meet because it just feels like you need a meeting.

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A Great Day = A Great Scorecard (and Vice Versa)

Written by Mike Paton on March 3, 2011

Recently several of my clients asked for help putting together company or departmental scorecards. For many organizations and leaders, finding the right set of 5 to 15 leading indicators that provide an absolute pulse on the business (or the department) is a difficult challenge. Often it takes several months or longer to truly fall in love with your Scorecard.

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