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Chris Naylor

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Four Team Busters in Business Leadership

Written by Chris Naylor on May 5, 2016

You’ve read it many times before: Successful companies are built by great teams who create strong cultures of excellence. But if teamwork is so important, then why are there so many average and dysfunctional teams?

Great teams don’t just happen. They're built on strengthening relationships between team members – one day, one interaction at a time.

The bad news is there are hundreds of negative forces that sabotage team health – like egos, politics, power struggles, lack of vision, or poor leadership. The good news is that it’s entirely possible to overcome these forces.

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There’s Magic in a Mission!

Written by Chris Naylor on April 18, 2016

Business owners know that providing an excellent product with excellent service at excellent prices typically leads to strong growth and profitability. But did you know there is another more subtle — possibly more powerful — factor that can pave the path to better profits? It’s  your mission statement.

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Hedgehog or Fox?

Written by Chris Naylor on September 21, 2015

In his book, Good to Great, Jim Collins asks, “Are you a hedgehog or a fox?”

The Hedgehog Concept originated from a line of the Greek poet Archilochus, “The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows ONE BIG THING.”

As the story goes, the cunning fox spends hours strategizing the perfect attack on how to eat the hedgehog.  He continually tries and fails, as the hedgehog simply rolls into a shiny, spiny ball with each attack.

After days of the fox’s attacks, the hedgehog’s laser focus on one simple method of defense keeps it alive.

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Building TRUST: The Great Multiplier of Performance

Written by Chris Naylor on June 25, 2015

Simply put, trust can accelerate or destroy any business or relationship.

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