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Gino Wickman

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What is an Integrator? Part II

Written by Gino Wickman on October 18, 2012

If you haven’t read my previous blog, “What is a Visionary?”, it’s a vital read before reading this one.

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What is a Visionary? Part I

Written by Gino Wickman on October 15, 2012

One of the most powerful EOS tools is the accountability chart. It’s powerful because it crystallizes the right structure (click here to download the accountability chart) and illustrates all available seats in your organization. In addition, it clarifies who reports to who and who is accountable for what.

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It’s Not That You Don’t Have a Vision, It’s That You Don’t Agree

Written by Gino Wickman on October 1, 2012

One of the most enjoyable parts of the EOS Process is getting a leadership team 100 percent on the same page with their company vision. The main reason is that once this is complete, magic happens and everything falls into place. Priority setting gets better, issue solving gets easier, and accountability just happens. Then results immediately follow.

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Improve Your Hiring Success Rate with This One Simple Discipline

Written by Gino Wickman on September 17, 2012

Assuming you have core values for your organization and they are right, in every interview from this day forward, share your core value speech with every candidate.

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What is Your Goal-Setting Philosophy?

Written by Gino Wickman on September 4, 2012

There are basically two types of goal-setting philosophies I run into when working with leadership teams:

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