One of the most powerful tools in The EOS Process® and in developing the Vision/Traction Organizer™ (V/TO™) is your 3-Year Picture™.
Mark O'Donnell
Recent Posts
Topics: Leadership, Core Values, Core Focus, Leadership Teams, Vision, Vision/Traction Organizer
Over the last few months, I’ve been hearing a common theme among my clients. They keep saying, “I have a day job and a Rock job.” At first that confused me a little bit. Then I realized that one of two things is true. One possibility is that we chose the wrong Rocks for the quarter. The second possibility is that the team member is spending most of their time on useless activities.
Topics: Rocks
Over the last few months, I’ve been hearing a common theme among my clients. They keep saying, “I have a day job and a Rock job.” At first that confused me a little bit. Then I realized that one of two things is true. One possibility is that we chose the wrong Rocks for the quarter. The second possibility is that the team member is spending most of their time on useless activities.
Topics: Rocks
How often have you thought, “If I only had the right team I would achieve all my goals”? I know I have. Many times. There is a tremendous focus on the lack of available talent in the United States and elsewhere. We can’t find the right people for the job, and we create complex hiring practices to find the best talent for our team.
The right people are important. Yet, they aren't an indicator of future performance.
Topics: Leadership, Leadership Teams