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Mike Kotsis

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A Simple Habit for Greater Employee Accountability at Your Company

Written by Mike Kotsis on November 28, 2016

The stats on employees and their workplaces are staggering:

  • 87% of employees are not engaged at work
  • 39% of employees have no idea what their company’s goals and objectives are
  • 47% don’t know the state of their company’s performance
  • 44% don’t understand how their role helps the company meet its goals

And the result is a huge gap of accountability throughout the organization. How can we defy the statistics and effectively raise the level of accountability?

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There Are Only 2 People Issues in Business — And You Probably Have Both

Written by Mike Kotsis on November 14, 2016

People are at the foundation of every great business. In order for a team to achieve the company’s vision, the team must be surrounded with truly great people, top to bottom throughout the company.

Many leadership teams know this, but they aren’t aligned on how to do this. Things quickly get muddy when it comes to what action to take, how to execute it, and when. In a survey of business owners, 82% cited people issues as their number one frustration.

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11 Techniques Successful Leaders Use to Run Effective Meetings

Written by Mike Kotsis on November 7, 2016

A part of the journey for leadership teams to become their best is learning to run highly effective weekly meetings using the Level 10 Meeting Agenda.

During these meetings, I’m often a “fly on the wall,” just observing. Recently, I observed a tooling company that has become incredibly productive during their weekly meetings. After the meeting, I gave them some feedback to improve their meeting effectiveness even more. In fact, I’ve found that most businesses can benefit from similar themes of feedback.

These are 11 techniques that highly successful entrepreneurs use to run their business meetings. Try them out and see how they impact your own meetings.

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Are You Willing to Become Your Best in Business?

Written by Mike Kotsis on October 13, 2016

Are you willing to become your best?

Instinctively, most business leaders would answer Yes to this question. Why on earth would anyone say No? The challenge comes when small business leaders are put to the test—in the heat of the moment of the day-to-day grind. This is when shortcuts are taken to ease tension and pain. Because after all, everyone is overwhelmed.

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How to Simplify Painful Business Decision Making

Written by Mike Kotsis on September 29, 2016

One of my clients, a small software company in Detroit, had this a-ha moment in our recent quarterly session. “With great power comes great responsibility. We have great power (talent on our team), and we’re not being responsible because we aren’t focusing it effectively.”

Fortunately, they have great people on their team that fit into their culture and are extremely talented. Unfortunately, several team members are bringing in too many new ideas and opportunities for the team feasibly to pursue.

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