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Headed for Burnout? Do Less!

Written by Mike Kotsis on May 11, 2017

Recently, I've had several new clients take the first step on the journey of becoming their best by implementing the simple, proven tools of the EOS® Proven Process. A common theme from all of them is that they don't have enough time capacity. They have so many things they're trying to get done, there never seems to be enough time in the day. This is one of the first signs of burnout.

So on our first day together, we work together to get really clear on the most important use of the team's time over the upcoming 90 days.

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10 Signs You're Headed for Business Owner Burnout

Written by Mike Kotsis on April 6, 2017

When I begin working with a new client, I often hear the business owner describing their company in ways that give a peek into what's going on underneath the exterior they're presenting. They use phrases like "I'm up to my eyeballs," "it's exhausting," "I have to do everything myself," and "no one pulls their own weight."

It's a sign to me that these business leaders could be headed for burnout, even if they aren't ready to admit it to themselves, yet.

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How to Overcome the 5 Biggest Frustrations Business Owners Face

Written by Mike Kotsis on August 11, 2016

Freedom. Control of our own destiny. Making your mark on this planet. Financial wealth. Growth. More fun.

These are a few of the many reasons why entrepreneurs and key leaders desire the positions that they’re in. Unfortunately for most small business leaders, they don’t experience the very things that attracted them to the position in the first place. In fact, they are continually frustrated!

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Let It Go

Written by Preston True on March 31, 2016

For any of us who are parents, the process of “letting go” of our children can be one of the most difficult experiences with which to deal. We’ve birthed them, we’ve fed them, we’ve clothed them, we’ve gotten furious with them, we’ve had compassion for them, we’ve held them in our arms when things got scary or confusing, and celebrated many a success with them. We’ve made an enormous investment of our time, our effort, and our hearts.

But at some point, we have to let them go. They are ready to face the world without us; to create experiences, success, and resolve issues on their own.

As well intended as it might be, if we hold on too long or too tight, they won’t grow.

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Three Growth-Stifling Mindsets and How to Break Free of Them

Written by Ken DeWitt on January 7, 2016


I consider myself to be somewhat “old school.” That term carries different connotations, and whether it’s good or bad depends on how you mean it. I’m proud of my old school leanings because it means I respect good traditions, appreciate my heritage, and stick with tried-and-true ideas that have consistently led to success in the past.

But there is another kind of old school thinking that, if you’re a business owner or entrepreneur, can lead to extinction. Sticking to old ideas that have proven not to work well can make you a dinosaur. I’ve seen people lose their businesses that way while their competition flourished.

Here are three old-school leadership ideas that will stifle your business growth, and how to break free of them.

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