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13 Great Lessons Learned in Business

Written by Don Tinney on February 8, 2018

In 2010, Gino Wickman shared some of the great lessons and observations he had gleaned from implementing EOS® with hundreds of entrepreneurial leadership teams. In reflecting on my years as Gino’s business partner and Integrator of EOS Worldwide and my own experiences working with leadership teams, it felt appropriate and timely to confirm and restate those same great lessons.

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Less But Better

Written by Michael Erath on September 11, 2017

Are you spread too thin? Do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels? You may be a victim of the Paradox of Success.

It was Socrates who said, “Beware the barrenness of a busy life.” I remember as a child observing my parents, and as I reflect back on those days, a piece of me longs for the simplicity.

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How Effective Leaders Manage Personal Chaos

Written by Mike Roth on September 5, 2016

As an EOS Implementer, it is a continuous journey of learning and mastery. I often talk to my clients about how the Entrepreneurial Operating System helps bring balance to one's life. I emphasize how important it is to take a "Clarity Break." It's usually in the context of business chaos.

You know the feeling: there are 20 issues to solve and you have numerous deadlines in seemingly unreasonable time frames. Without realizing it, you lose focus and your ability to prioritize and make good decisions is compromised. You are ineffective. You need a timeout to regain your focus. We call that a "Clarity Break."

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Get Your Marketing House in Order

Written by Lynda Martin on July 14, 2016

For a lot of my clients right now, sales is not the issue, but I’m a believer in getting ahead of the curve. Figure out what’s working, get on the same page with the whole team, inspire everyone to cement client loyalty and identify new prospects! And give your team the tools they need.

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Leadership then Management

Written by Mike Roth on July 30, 2015

As Stephan Covey once said, "Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out."

In today's hectic business world, it is easy to get caught up in everything and lose sight of what the priorities really are. Sometimes, the priorities are clear but the execution process is difficult.

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