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Be Where You Are When You’re There

Written by Mike Paton on December 28, 2017

Are you proud of your ability to multi-task? Can you close a deal, hire someone, attend a video conference AND make dinner plans – all while driving your car?

Many entrepreneurs are not only capable of keeping all those plates spinning, they’re fiercely proud of it. Yes, it is true that cramming 20 pounds of productivity into a 10 pound bag can be an important skill when you’re building a great business from scratch. However, it’s also true that all frenetic multi-taskers reach a point of diminishing returns as their businesses and teams grow.

The fact is, none of us do our best work when we're not fully present.

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Meeting Ratings: Improve Productivity and Team Health with One Simple Discipline

Written by Mike Paton on December 11, 2017

In our first session with an EOS® client, we help them implement an efficient, productive Meeting Pulse™ and weekly Level 10 Meeting™ that quickly improve the quality of the company’s meetings. One of the things we insist they do is rate each meeting – out loud– as it concludes.

“Rating your meetings” seems like such a simple concept that many fail to grasp its importance. Some even decide– early in the EOS journey– to make It optional or skip it altogether. If you’re one of those people – please read on. Because properly rating your meetings and using the feedback to make them better (and your team healthier) is a game changer.

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Appreciating the Entrepreneurial Mindset

Written by Mike Paton on November 27, 2017

The Inside Strategic Coach podcast we shared with you a few weeks back has generated lots of positive feedback and interest within Dan Sullivan's Strategic Coach network and the EOS Implementer Community™. Given the way our programs complement one another, we find that very exciting.

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Issues, To-Do’s, and Rocks...Oh My!

Written by Mike Paton on November 13, 2017

To help you manage the complexity of your business and all of the “stuff” going on, I highly recommend the discipline of choosing only one of three options for any problem, idea, commitment, or opportunity, i.e., “stuff.”

Mastering the art of compartmentalizing will help you free up energy and time for yourself, your team, and your company – while maximizing your efficiency and productivity. You'll execute better, become more efficient, and FOCUS your team's energy.

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Visionaries and Integrators - Part 3: What is an Integrator?

Written by Mike Paton on November 2, 2017

If you haven’t read my previous blogs about Visionaries and Integrators, please take a moment to read them first to get essential context for this article:

When you have created your Accountability Chart, you will clearly see the need for an Integrator. This is the major function that all major functions report to, and every organization must have one. In some companies, this person is known as the President, COO, General Manager, or Chief of Staff – the title doesn’t matter, but the role is essential.

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