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A Simple Discipline to Instantly Improve Your Meetings

Written by Gino Wickman on April 30, 2012

One simple discipline we teach our clients is the power of rating their weekly Level 10 Meeting (click to download the Level 10 agenda). The power of doing this consistently is getting instant feedback on the effectiveness of your meetings.

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Written by Don Tinney on April 23, 2012

How often do we find ourselves in the position where people are trying to communicate with us and we’ve heard little or nothing of what they’ve said? When we are supposed to be engaged and working together with our team to resolve important issues, it’s disturbing to see how disengaged we can be:

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EOS Worldwide® Offers Work Life Balance Coaching for Business Owners

Written by EOS Worldwide on April 20, 2012

EOS Worldwide®, creators of the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®), now offers work life balance coaching for business owners. According to the business management experts at EOS Worldwide, achieving a healthy work life balance is a common challenge among today’s small to mid-size business owners who are working hard to stay competitive. Don Tinney, Certified EOS Implementer™ said, “Being overworked and over stressed is common for business owners, but it doesn’t have to be that way. When you spend too much of your life focused on work, you can get burnt out and this makes it impossible to focus on both your personal and professional goals. Learning how to maintain a healthy balance between work and other meaningful priorities is essential for the success of any business owner, and when you can pass these skills on down to your staff, that just increases the benefits.”

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Culture Eats Strategy For Lunch

Written by Ed Callahan on April 19, 2012

Fast Company published an article with the title, Culture Eats Strategy For Lunch, on January 24th, 2012. The article was written by FC Expert Blogger Shawn Parr. You can read the whole article here.

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You Cannot Build a Great Organization on Multiple Operating Systems—You Must Choose One

Written by Gino Wickman on April 16, 2012

The above title is our EOS Creed. Simply put, if you want a great enduring company, everyone on your leadership team must speak the same language and play by the same rules.

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