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Don't Confuse Blame With Accountability

Written by Ken Ritterspach on September 7, 2017

Accountability is a basic tenet of EOS®. It’s essential to clarify who is responsible for what, top to bottom.

One of the challenges when creating a culture of accountability is to coach managers not to mistake blame for accountability. They are not the same.

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5 Tips to Beat Your Biggest Business Obstacles

Written by Randy Taussig on June 8, 2017

The ability to solve substantive business challenges could be the most important skill your leadership team must master. It can either propel your business forward at light speed or, if done poorly, keep you orbiting through chaos and frustration.

Beating business obstacles is one of the most difficult skills to master, but when you do, magic happens!

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Is Your Business Running on Autopilot?

Written by Randy Taussig on May 8, 2017

The autopilot can be an aviator’s BEST friend. It’s precise, alleviates workload, and provides good peace of mind. All positive factors, but if the pilot isn’t careful, it could lead to big trouble!

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Are You Solving Stubborn Business Problems With a Lawnmower?

Written by Wayne Kurzen on March 23, 2017

Growing up, one of my chores was to mow the yard. In the summer, our yard would break out in a sea of yellow dandelions. You can make dandelions disappear by simply mowing the yard, but within a few days – the yellow sea of flowers reappears. Just like some of your company's most stubborn issues.

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Why You Need to Solve Business Issues Slowly

Written by Mike Paton on February 6, 2017

One night this holiday season, my wife and I were wrapping gifts for our family. When a large pile of brightly colored packages sat beside each of us, we stood back to admire our handiwork. Kate’s packages were beautiful – crisply wrapped, carefully secured with beautiful ribbons that matched the wrapping paper, each package festooned with tidy little bows. My packages were technically covered (mostly) with wrapping paper and tape. But they didn’t really look…finished.

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