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Soccer, Statistics, and Success: Is Your Company Going to Win the World Cup?

Written by Jonathan Smith on July 15, 2014

Throughout the US, we have been fascinated by 2014 FIFA World Cup over the past couple of weeks. Like so many others, I was rooting for the US, hoping against hope that they could pull off the impossible and beat Belgium in the Round of 16.

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Healthy vs Smart

Written by Ed Callahan on July 3, 2014

Here is the master, Patrick Lencioni, helping us understand the difference between healthy and smart. Both are important for any business, but you have to have both! Does your business?

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A Taut Chain is Hardest to Break

Written by Jim Coyle on June 30, 2014

We have heard over and over again about how we are only as strong as the weakest link. But, enough time has not been given explaining how each of those links (team members) should be connected. When we have the right connection or meetings with our team, we end up creating a strong bond. One that is difficult to break. However, we know that in some relationships, there is no connection or bond. A disconnected relationship in your team will lead to eventual disaster. Not because the people are bad but because the connection or the bond is bad. Things will just get missed.

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Written by Ed Callahan on June 26, 2014

Process is the fifth of the six EOS key components. EOS teaches that for an entrepreneurial company to scale effectively and profitably, it has to document its six to twelve core processes. It should document the processes in an entrepreneurial way – which is to say, document the 20% of the process that get you an 80% return. Once that is done, the company has to ensure that the processes are being followed by everyone. Fully implementing this key component allows the leaders to work on the business and the employees to work in the business.

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The other side of fear is greatness

Written by Chris White on June 23, 2014

I just received the June issue of Entrepreneur magazine and immediately opened to page 14 to read the “Editor’s Note” by Amy C. Cosper, Editor in Chief. How can you pass on an article titled: Giving Fear the Finger. Who hasn’t given the finger at one point or another in their life?! (and even if you haven’t, you’ve wanted too)

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