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Take a Clarity Break

Written by Ed Callahan on April 28, 2014

If you are like most small business owners and leaders, you have too much on your plate. You are constantly juggling priorities. After all, your company, employees, family and, sometimes it feels like, the whole world is depending on you. To paraphrase Rudyard Kipling in “IF” - “It is tough to keep your head, when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you”. So what is a person to do?

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Followed by All

Written by Rene Boer on April 24, 2014

Are you satisfied that your customers consistently receive great products and services from your company? Is value dependent on who is delivering it or how it’s being delivered? Both are important, but without a written process that is followed by all, people will deliver value their way which is often not your way nor the best way.

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Back Stage vs Front Stage

Written by Ed Callahan on April 21, 2014

Some of our EOS clients confuse the terms Core Process and Proven Process.

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Are YOU the reason your business isn’t growing?

Written by Ken DeWitt on April 17, 2014

It happens to all successful entrepreneurs: your business gets to be more than you can handle. When you first start a company, you have no alternative but to be involved in every aspect – planning, sales, operations, finance, personnel – because you’re working either alone or with a very small team of collaborators. You work hard, and the business grows to the point where being involved in everything is a job and a half. You are overworked, overwhelmed, and the freedom you dreamed of having when you started out is nowhere to be found.

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Business Core Focus: “Imagine a Hedgehog in a Wrestling Outfit.”

Written by Walt Brown on April 14, 2014

Recently I was powder and mogul skiing in Alta, Utah with an EOS client and friend from Dallas Texas. My friend, Bob, had been a 3 time Texas High School State Wrestling Champ and rode a wrestling scholarship to Duke.

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