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Written by Rene Boer on September 5, 2013

In a prior life, I often found myself dealing with about 136 issues daily, hoping to solve as many business problems as possible. But, no matter how many issues I moved off my desk, the next day there'd be a few more there waiting for me. I measured my productivity and success by how many problems I could solve. Often I found myself solving the same issues over and over again. Sound familiar?

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Accidental or Intentional

Written by Dan Wallace on August 22, 2013

A young friend of ours recently started a new job. The work itself is great, but the environment isn’t, at least for him.

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A Pat on the Back Goes a Long Way

Written by Gino Wickman on August 12, 2013

The objective of this message is to get you to say thank you to at least one of your people by the end of it.

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Scorecards vs Dashboards

Written by Ed Callahan on August 1, 2013

The scorecard is one of the foundational tools we teach our EOS clients. When I explain that it is a tool to enable management by exception, many of my clients respond that they do that already with a dashboard they keep.

One of the key differences between scorecards and dashboards is that typically, not always, dashboards focus on outcomes at a point in time. How many dollars or deals are in our sales pipeline? How many customer complaints are in our customer service queue. How much cash do we have? What are our days sales outstanding? They are all important, but they have one shortcoming,- when you see them, the time to react to them is past.

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Are You Keeping Score?

Written by Rene Boer on July 25, 2013

Imagine yourself at a basketball game. Just before the tip-off, the announcer lets everyone know that although the scoreboard isn’t working, tonight’s game will go on as scheduled. He explains that the players are ready to go and that the sports writers will report the outcome by the end of the month. Would you be content to watch the action and then wait a few weeks for the results?

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