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Get What You Want From Your Business

Written by Mike Paton on June 22, 2015

This week I was fortunate enough to conduct workshops for a room full of entrepreneurs in two different cities. I say fortunate, because time is always precious for busy entrepreneurs. Those who regularly take the time to learn, share, and grow inspire me. It’s a great honor when they give some of that time to me.

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Flying By the Seat of Your Pants Can Hurt! Leadership Lessons from the Cockpit

Written by Randy Taussig on June 18, 2015

When I first learned to fly, it was always in great conditions. Clear and sunny skies, no turbulence and very little traffic, with my instructor handling all radio communications. This helped me gain confidence, learn to trust my instincts and develop a real feel for piloting the aircraft. I was perfectly comfortable “flying by the seat of my pants” without a system or procedure.

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Lazy Language: 3 Ways to Clarify Corporate Nomenclature

Written by Walt Brown on June 15, 2015

"The more precise and clear our corporate language becomes, the easier and less complex work is." - Walt Brown

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The Soul of Your Company

Written by Ed Callahan on June 11, 2015

I had the good fortune recently of taking a river cruise in Germany. We began on the Moselle River. We ended on the Rhine, to which the Moselle is a tributary. As you sail your way from Trier to Koblenz you are surrounded by wine vineyards on the hillsides of the river. Great riesling wines come from these vineyards—particularly well known are those from the Alsace region.

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How Many Meetings Do I Need With Whom?!

Written by Don Tinney on June 1, 2015

If you don’t answer this common leader question properly, as your business grows in number of customers, employees, vendors and initiatives, you will experience a scalability problem. You will find yourself spending a disproportionate amount of your time in meetings and your frustration will grow as you realize you can’t effectively communicate with everyone. It’s not physically possible.

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