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Compliant Resisters

Written by Don Tinney on October 29, 2012

Compliant resisters are very hard to spot in your business. On the surface, they present a positive response, tacitly agreeing with the vision, the plan and the requirements. They are very careful about not communicating anything that might jeopardize their position in the company. Their seat isn’t their passion – it’s just the means to a paycheck.

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3 Steps to Building Your Company Culture

Written by Don Tinney on October 22, 2012

We have seen leadership teams do many things to highlight the values that matter most to their companies. Of all the things you can do to perpetuate your core values and build the enduring company culture you want, there are three things we feel you must do. Watch this short video to get the details.

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What is an Integrator? Part II

Written by Gino Wickman on October 18, 2012

If you haven’t read my previous blog, “What is a Visionary?”, it’s a vital read before reading this one.

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What is a Visionary? Part I

Written by Gino Wickman on October 15, 2012

One of the most powerful EOS tools is the accountability chart. It’s powerful because it crystallizes the right structure (click here to download the accountability chart) and illustrates all available seats in your organization. In addition, it clarifies who reports to who and who is accountable for what.

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Are You Running in a Straight Line?

Written by Mike Paton on October 5, 2012

My high school cross country coach, Chuck Lucas, was a legend. He and his teams won more than twenty league championships, countless district titles and two state titles – my senior year and the year following. There were lots of reasons “Coach Luke” was effective, but one was remarkable. He saw things other coaches never saw.

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