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One Reason “Solve” Is So Hard

Written by Mike Paton on May 11, 2015

When implementing EOS, clients often say, “this may be simple, but it’s not easy!” And they’re right. I’ve been helping other companies master these tools for more than seven years, and I’m still learning something new every day.

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Find Business Issues Before They Find You: Leadership Lessons from the Cockpit

Written by Randy Taussig on May 4, 2015

It’s amazing how most business issues are predictable. They rarely surprise us, yet so often leaders are unprepared to handle them as they surface. Why is that?

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5 Questions to Drive 2nd-Quarter Growth

Written by Mike Roth on April 27, 2015

It's hard to believe that the first quarter of 2015 is already history. By now the results should be in and hopefully you're seeing growth. Unfortunately, many companies won't see much difference from Q1 of 2014.

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How to Use SMART Goals Smarter

Written by Ed Callahan on April 21, 2015

How do you define the SMART acronym? Wikipedia lists several possibilities for defining the acronym. I saw this one 5 years ago: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-phased. People often agree on the first three and differ a bit more on "R" and "T." I like to use Realistic and Timely, but the gist is the same.

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Are You Too Small to Make a Difference at Work?

Written by Mike Paton on April 14, 2015

“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” The Dalai Lama (XIV)

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