Ann Clifford, owner of Safari Solutions, shared the following comment on the first post in this series: “I've found that the best leaders are passionate about their mission. Assuming your mission goes beyond just making money, your enthusiasm and dedication to carry out your mission is embraced by your team. Your team will respect you for what you do and how you do, rather than your position title.” Very good comment Ann.
Topics: Implementers, EOS, Leadership, Team
My next step forward in this series on developing effective leaders and managers is to address an issue common to almost every leadership team I’ve worked with – indecision.
Topics: Implementers, EOS, Leadership, Team, Management, Process
First note that I have changed the title of the series from Leadership Development to Leadership Team Development. Leadership and management only has relevance in the context of an organization - leading and managing people. Any business organization has at least 4 major functions that must be driven and managed for the business to succeed. As displayed in our June 1, 2010 post, they are:
Topics: Implementers, EOS, Leadership, Finance, Team
Are great leaders born or do they develop over time?
Topics: Implementers, EOS, Leadership, Organization, People, Management
Most entrepreneurial leaders are frustrated. Some leaders are only occasionally frustrated, because they find ways to resolve their issues quickly and effectively. But many leaders have been frustrated about a lot of things for a very long time.
Some seem to have resigned themselves to the notion that running an entrepreneurial company is destined to be a long, painful series of never-ending frustrations.
Topics: Implementers, EOS, Leadership, Issues List, Business