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EOS Worldwide® Offers Work Life Balance Coaching for Business Owners

Written by EOS Worldwide on April 20, 2012

EOS Worldwide®, creators of the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®), now offers work life balance coaching for business owners. According to the business management experts at EOS Worldwide, achieving a healthy work life balance is a common challenge among today’s small to mid-size business owners who are working hard to stay competitive. Don Tinney, Certified EOS Implementer™ said, “Being overworked and over stressed is common for business owners, but it doesn’t have to be that way. When you spend too much of your life focused on work, you can get burnt out and this makes it impossible to focus on both your personal and professional goals. Learning how to maintain a healthy balance between work and other meaningful priorities is essential for the success of any business owner, and when you can pass these skills on down to your staff, that just increases the benefits.”

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EOS Worldwide Announces Latest Edition of Traction from Publisher BenBella

Written by EOS Worldwide on April 3, 2012

EOS Worldwide, creators of the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®), have announced the release of the newest edition of the bestselling leadership development book, Traction. This latest book from EOS, released on April 1st, is designed for business owners and entrepreneurs who are looking for a way to gain control over their business. This new and expanded edition includes over 50 updates on the secrets to strengthening the Six Key Components™ of any business, including powerful tools to build and operate your company, giving leadership teams more focus, growth and enjoyment. This latest edition of Traction, written by Gino Wickman, EOS Worldwide Founder, delivers these valuable organizational building blocks directly to business owners.

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Kill the Annual Performance Review?

Written by Ed Callahan on March 8, 2012

Jay Shepard’s Gruntled Employees post of 12/31/11 calls the Annual Employee Performance Reviews The Dumbest Managerial Tool Ever. He offers four compelling arguments for this point of view. They mostly center around the reviews not being done in an appropriate time frame – when praising or criticizing employees behavior, its best done when both you and the employee will remember the incident. We couldn’t agree more. Just remember to praise in public and criticize privately.

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Are You Protecting Your Company’s Soul?

Written by Gino Wickman on March 5, 2012

I was in a Starbucks this week and noticed Howard Schultz’s book Onward. He is the CEO of Starbucks, and the book’s subtitle, How Starbucks Fought for Its Life without Losing Its Soul, prompted the idea to send you this video.

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EOS Worldwide® Announces Upcoming Business Owner Webinars

Written by EOS Worldwide on February 28, 2012

EOS Worldwide®, creators of the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®), recently announced the launch of new business owner webinars on the company’s website. “Multiply Your Effectiveness with the Right Tools”, the latest business owner webinar from EOS Worldwide, is being held online February 29th, March 6th and March 23rd. Interested individuals can register for one of the free webinars at

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