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Success can be boring. Leadership Lessons from the Cockpit

Written by Randy Taussig on July 9, 2015

Lesson #6: Leadership Lessons from the Cockpit

Takeoffs and landings are truly the most exhilarating part of flight. They’re sexy—they get the blood running and often lead to bragging rights or ridicule (depending on the end results).

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Why You Should Say NO to 10,000 Good Ideas

Written by Mike Kotsis on July 2, 2015

There are many different ways to grow your business. But some are better than others.

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Introducing the Concept of Good Turnover

Written by Jill Young on June 29, 2015

One of my clients recently had the word “turnover” on their issues list. After working to really identify the root cause of the turnover, and coming up blank, they asked me to help. The first thing I always ask is… “Is this good turnover, or bad turnover?”

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Building TRUST: The Great Multiplier of Performance

Written by Chris Naylor on June 25, 2015

Simply put, trust can accelerate or destroy any business or relationship.

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Get What You Want From Your Business

Written by Mike Paton on June 22, 2015

This week I was fortunate enough to conduct workshops for a room full of entrepreneurs in two different cities. I say fortunate, because time is always precious for busy entrepreneurs. Those who regularly take the time to learn, share, and grow inspire me. It’s a great honor when they give some of that time to me.

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