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Clear the Fog - Strengthen Your Data Component

Written by Mike Paton on March 8, 2018

Most entrepreneurs know well the feeling of “flying blind.” It can feel like you’re running your business and making big decisions on vague sensations, feelings and emotions rather than using data that helps you make a quick, but fully informed, unbiased decision.

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Are You Causing Entrepreneurial Train Wrecks in Your Business?

Written by Chris Jones on January 29, 2018

As entrepreneurs, sometimes we can be our own worst enemies. We can get easily bored, leaving us with a need to “stir things up” to make things exciting again. For me, this stems from an intense desire to make things better. Whatever the motivation, this need for change and excitement can cause a crisis in our business.

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Be Where You Are When You’re There

Written by Mike Paton on December 28, 2017

Are you proud of your ability to multi-task? Can you close a deal, hire someone, attend a video conference AND make dinner plans – all while driving your car?

Many entrepreneurs are not only capable of keeping all those plates spinning, they’re fiercely proud of it. Yes, it is true that cramming 20 pounds of productivity into a 10 pound bag can be an important skill when you’re building a great business from scratch. However, it’s also true that all frenetic multi-taskers reach a point of diminishing returns as their businesses and teams grow.

The fact is, none of us do our best work when we're not fully present.

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Top 5 Traits Millennials Share With Entrepreneurs

Written by Sue Hawkes on August 7, 2017

Millennials get a bad rap, but are they really that different from any other generation of people?

When I stopped to think about the common millennial characteristics we hear about so often, I realized how many of those same traits are also prevalent among entrepreneurs. How we outwardly demonstrate these traits may look different, but at the core our values are shared. I believe this is an opportunity for tremendous results if managed from a place of shared values and effective communication.

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The Lies That Hold Back Your Success

Written by Ken DeWitt on April 13, 2017

When I start working with a new client, one of the first questions I ask is, “What is it that keeps you from being successful? What is it you must overcome for your business to grow?” Recently, someone answered that question with, “The voices inside my head.”

I knew instantly what he was talking about. I hear the voices, too – we all do. They say things like:

“I don’t have enough experience.”

“I’m not charismatic enough.”

“I’m not a good leader.” 

“My peers are all doing better than me. I must be broken.”

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