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Four Keys To Being A Top Entrepreneur

Written by Ken DeWitt on June 6, 2016

People ask me all the time, “Ken, what’s the number one thing I can do to make my business better?” My answer is always the same: there is no silver bullet. There is no single trick that will produce a magical transformation; rather, it’s a series of tweaks – some major, some minor – that will lead to dramatic results.

After 30 years of studying and coaching successful entrepreneurs, I’ve noticed that the most successful tend to have four habits in common, and these are things you can and should put into practice yourself. The first three are succinctly outlined in Optimize for Growth: How to Scale Up Your Business, Your Network, and You, written by my friend Jonathan B. Smith. You really should get this book; it’s a quick read, and it will explain how these practices work in concert with one another, and inspire you to make them part of your standard M.O.

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EOS Worldwide Client Detroit Radiator Wins Ernst and Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year

Written by EOS Worldwide on October 22, 2011

EOS Worldwide recently announced that client Detroit Radiator was awarded the 2011 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year award for Manufacturing in the Michigan/Northwest Ohio region. Selected from a record number of nominations for 2011, Detroit Radiator will soon participate in the National competition, taking place in November at Ernst & Young’s annual black tie awards gala in Palm Springs. The popular event for entrepreneurs throughout the world winds up the firm’s annual Strategic Growth Forum.

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Live With It, End It, or Change It

Written by Gino Wickman on October 6, 2011

Do you have a tough decision to make?

Is there a challenge you’re currently wresting with? Let’s see if I can simplify it for you.

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Become a Successful Entrepreneur - Do Something Unreasonable

Written by Mike Paton on February 7, 2011

Seth Godin’s excellent blog post yesterday and one of my clients served to inspire this message. Godin offers one or two posts daily – generally short and packed with insight. If you’re not already a subscriber, it’s worth adding to your list.

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Your Core Business Processes

Written by Ed Callahan on December 6, 2010

gears-machineThe Entrepreneurial Operating System's (EOS) model has 6 key components. One of them is the Process Component.

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