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Email isn’t Perfect

Written by Ed Callahan on May 30, 2013

The shortcomings of email communication is not the only point of this post. It is the subject of a short video, entitled Why Email Starts Fights, from Ed Muzio, the CEO of Group Harmonics, which you can view it its entirety here. The video is co-produced by CBS Interactive/BNET.

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Have You Made a Great People Move This Quarter?

Written by Gino Wickman on May 23, 2013

A couple of years ago, I wrote an article regarding the impact on an organization of making a great people move every quarter.

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No Apology Necessary

Written by Mike Paton on May 17, 2013

During this year’s busy Annual Planning season, one of my clients was moved to tears while reflecting on the past year. He was recounting a “personal great”, and filled with pride for his daughter while sharing a few of her significant accomplishments. He struggled to finish the story, and ultimately needed to take a short break to compose himself. Throughout this touching, heartfelt moment, he kept apologizing to his team for being so emotional.

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Daring Greatly

Written by Rene Boer on May 9, 2013

Does your organization or company have a number one goal, a BHAG (big, hairy and audacious), a 10 YEAR TARGET? If you have one, is it audacious; does it inspire and motivate you? Or have you limited yourself by what you think is possible instead of the possibilities of daring greatly.

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Double the Productivity of Your Off-Line Meetings

Written by Gino Wickman on April 29, 2013

Have you ever shown up for a meeting and no one knows its purpose? And then you spend the first 15 minutes finding your way or trying to figure out what the objective is? Ever been to one where you’re wondering who is running the meeting?

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