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P90X® Your Business

Written by Don Tinney on July 2, 2012

At the end of 2011, I felt my body was underperforming. That mattered because I wanted to do specific things well – at a high level – and just didn’t seem to have the stamina to pull it all off. A couple of my clients had found a solution in P90X and encouraged me to follow in their footsteps. I’m 6 months in and I love it. I feel great and am performing at a much higher level than I was previously.

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Spreading True Rumors

Written by Ed Callahan on June 29, 2012

Spreading true rumors is a phrase I picked up in reading Patrick Lencioni’s latest book, The Advantage – Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in Business.

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Three Data Points

Written by Gino Wickman on June 25, 2012

A helpful discipline when giving feedback to someone, or having a tough conversation to help correct someone’s unproductive actions, is sharing three data points. Data points are examples of what the person is doing that demonstrates the bad behavior.

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What Happened to Loyalty?

Written by Don Tinney on June 21, 2012

One of the words I often hear when leaders are describing the kind of people they want to have in their company is “loyal”. I also have heard the word in the context of losing customers who had been “loyal” to the company for years.

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Simple Way to Improve Business Meetings Offered by EOS Worldwide

Written by EOS Worldwide on June 18, 2012

There’s a simple way to improve meetings, according to EOS Worldwide, home of the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®). EOS founder, Gino Wickman, created the Level 10 Meeting™ agenda (available as a free download at for this purpose and recommends ending each meeting by asking attendants to give a rating on a scale of 1-10. Wickman said “Meetings are a necessary evil in business. They are the moment of truth for leadership teams. They’re an opportunity for getting on the same page, solving problems, creating ideas and reporting on what’s important. It’s vital that your meetings are great. That’s non-negotiable.” By following the simple agenda that makes up the Level 10 Meeting, leaders can strive to achieve a perfect 10 each week.

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