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Thanks Dad!

Written by Rene Boer on June 14, 2012

With Father’s Day approaching this weekend I’m reminded of my dad who passed away almost 20 years ago. I miss him.

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“36 hours of pain”

Written by Gino Wickman on June 11, 2012

A good friend of mine shared this powerful observation with me that has now become an EOS staple.

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Visionary or Integrator - which are you?

Written by Ed Callahan on June 8, 2012

A Visionary often is the person who conceived the company, who had the original great idea and who continues to have ideas about how to expand the business and make it all he ever conceived it would be. Visionaries often focus on the big picture, culture, client relationships. An Integrator is the person who thrives on creating order out of chaos. She is the person who is naturally suited to setting priorities, solving conflicts, removing obstacles, getting the company from point A to point B. Its not that the Visionary couldn’t do what the Integrator does, its just that he would become bored. He would be cutting against the grain, to mix metaphors, and working far harder than necessary.

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How to Start a Coaching Business Program Now Available from EOS Worldwide

Written by EOS Worldwide on June 7, 2012

EOS Worldwide, creators of the Entrepreneurial Operation System®, (EOS®), have launched a training program designed to help individuals learn how to start a business coaching system by becoming a Professional EOS Implementer™. EOS Implementer training can be used by business owners and entrepreneurs who want to master the EOS leadership development system within their own organization, but the training was primarily designed for those professionals interested in carrying out implementation in multiple businesses. The training is a unique opportunity to interact with the most experienced EOS Implementers in the world – a rare opportunity for serious entrepreneurs and business leaders.

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Great Leaders

Written by Don Tinney on June 5, 2012

Great leadership is more about what you do than what you are born with.

Natural charisma may be valuable in some situations, but it has nothing to do with leadership. Being decisive is also useful, but doesn’t mean you effectively lead people. And innate assertiveness may just mean you push people around to get your own way.

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