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Well-Being = Vision, Traction, and Healthy

Written by Mark Abbott on October 6, 2014

Years and years ago, I became attracted to the notion of “well-being” and embarked on a lifelong study of the topic. Since then it is difficult for me to not dig into any article or book that passes my eyes on the subject or related topics like “happiness”.

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Bald tires & blowouts

Written by Ken DeWitt on October 2, 2014

Bald tires & blowouts: how you can unwittingly sabotage the traction you’ve worked so hard to achieve

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217 words on the word "Accountable"

Written by Walt Brown on September 29, 2014

Lessons we learn by listening to how people use words. Words are the foundation of our corporate culture.

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Not Your Average Survey

Written by Ed Callahan on September 25, 2014

Seth Godin told us in his book Purple Cow that marketing is that outstanding product or service which gets people talking about you. I was reminded of that the other day when my wife and I ate at Not Your Average Joe’s restaurant for the first time. The owner, Steve Silverstein, has created a business casual experience at blue jeans pricing with from scratch foods and value priced wines. It’s home base is in greater Boston (15 locations) and it’s Glen Mills, PA location, where we ate, is it’s first in Pennsylvania.

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Overcoming Overwhelmed

Written by David Schwartz on September 11, 2014

In working with entrepreneurial leadership teams, there is one challenge that consistently shows up, particularly with smaller companies. One of my clients, for whom I am implementing the Entrepreneurial Operating System, is a perfect example. He called me the other day and was frustrated and feeling overwhelmed. We have only been working together for a little over three months so his leadership team is really learning the process. They had identified and committed to completing 5 Rocks (major 90 day priorities) for the company along with several individual Rocks owned by the team members. With the quarter nearly half gone the Rocks hadn’t even been started.

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