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Put a Tidy Little Bow on It (and Save Hundreds of Wasted Hours)

Written by Christina Mack on July 27, 2010

The Issues Solving Track we teach is known as IDS, which is an acronym for “identify,” “discuss,” and “solve.” It is the simplest and best problem solving tool I’ve ever used.

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Leadership Team Development #5 – Your Core Values

Written by Don Tinney on July 22, 2010

If you have been an organization for a while, it’s very possible that the vision that existed at the beginning isn’t clear anymore, or perhaps it just doesn’t fit the organization today. Perhaps you’ve merged with or acquired another organization. Maybe you have a new partner. Whatever your history, when you look out across your entire organization now, can you say everyone is on the same page, heading in the same meaningful direction? If not, how do you get that single vision back with everyone engaged and rowing together?

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Firing Uncle Joe

Written by Ed Callahan on July 19, 2010

The most difficult challenge for a business leader or manager is dealing with the poor performance of a long tenured employee, especially when that employee happens to be a family member or friend.

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Leadership Team Development #4 – All In

Written by Don Tinney on July 16, 2010

Ann Clifford, owner of Safari Solutions, shared the following comment on the first post in this series: “I've found that the best leaders are passionate about their mission. Assuming your mission goes beyond just making money, your enthusiasm and dedication to carry out your mission is embraced by your team. Your team will respect you for what you do and how you do, rather than your position title.” Very good comment Ann.

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Stop the Email Madness

Written by Christina Mack on July 12, 2010

One of the most controversial disciplines we teach is an email system that will save hours of time for you every week if you embrace it. Half our clients love it, and half run for the hills when they hear it.

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