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Leadership Team Development #3 – Decide!

Written by Don Tinney on July 8, 2010

My next step forward in this series on developing effective leaders and managers is to address an issue common to almost every leadership team I’ve worked with – indecision.

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Entrepreneurial Utopia – Fantasy or Reality?

Written by Christina Mack on July 6, 2010

At EOS Worldwide, we believe Entrepreneurial Utopia exists and that it is achievable. By our definition, Entrepreneurial Utopia is not an imaginary place of ideal perfection; it’s an ideal condition inside organizations that is reality, especially for those who won’t settle for anything less. If you’ve been there, you know exactly what we mean.
Entrepreneurial Utopia exists in organizations where:

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3 Steps to Adjust Your Business Structure As You Go

Written by Ed Callahan on July 1, 2010

In prior posts, I have discussed various aspects of structuring your business properly. In this post, I want to just focus on making ongoing adjustments to your structure.
Adding new positions or seats to your company structure, changing your Accountability Chart , can have a significant functional and financial impact on your company, so such decisions need to be made carefully with the right people sitting at the table. The same is true when you remove seats. Keep in mind, even when you see things clearly as one leader or manager, others may not be seeing the same thing, so you must always strive for getting everyone on the same page.

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Leadership Team Development #2 - The 4 Major Functions

Written by Don Tinney on June 28, 2010

First note that I have changed the title of the series from Leadership Development to Leadership Team Development. Leadership and management only has relevance in the context of an organization - leading and managing people. Any business organization has at least 4 major functions that must be driven and managed for the business to succeed. As displayed in our June 1, 2010 post, they are:

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Leadership Development #1 – One Essential Ingredient

Written by Don Tinney on June 24, 2010

Are great leaders born or do they develop over time?

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