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Four Steps to Reducing Leadership Frustrations…Forever

Written by Mike Paton on June 21, 2010

Most entrepreneurial leaders are frustrated. Some leaders are only occasionally frustrated, because they find ways to resolve their issues quickly and effectively. But many leaders have been frustrated about a lot of things for a very long time.
Some seem to have resigned themselves to the notion that running an entrepreneurial company is destined to be a long, painful series of never-ending frustrations.

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Opportunities to Be Extraordinary - Part 2

Written by Don Tinney on June 17, 2010

As stated in part 1, for most companies, opportunities to be extraordinary only come when the unexpected occurs. This is our chance:

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Opportunities to Be Extraordinary - Part 1

Written by Don Tinney on June 15, 2010

Recently, my wife and I took two of our grandchildren, ages 4 and 3, off on a short getaway to enjoy some time together. As we arose in our hotel room before 8 on our final morning and started to get ready to head down for our complementary breakfasts, the lights in part of our room went out. When I stepped into the hallway, the emergency lights were on and my wife could smell smoke. Shortly thereafter, fire alarms were blaring and we were exiting down the back stairway.

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Business Leadership - 5 Steps to Help You Delegate and Elevate

Written by Christina Mack on June 10, 2010

One of the surest ways to break through the ceiling and get to where you want to go is to delegate and elevate yourself to your God-given unique abilities.

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The Secret to Great Business Meetings

Written by Don Tinney on June 7, 2010

"I didn't want to come to the meeting, but I'm glad I did." Over the years, I have heard that confession many times.

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