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The First Step to Building a Healthy Leadership Team

Written by Mike Paton on May 13, 2010

As many entrepreneurs now know, Certified EOS Implementers begin every session by restating our expectations for the day. Every single time we do that - to date nearly 1,500 times with the leadership teams of more than 200 entrepreneurial companies - we've asked each member of the team to be "Open and Honest" with us, and with one another. As simple and reasonable as that request might sound, complying with it is difficult, even for the best leaders in the most successful businesses.

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DELEGATING: Getting Right People in the Right Seats in Your Business

Written by Ed Callahan on May 10, 2010

The inspiration for this post came from Seth Godin in one of his recent posts, entitled "Losing Andrew Carnegie". Read the whole post here. Seth is reinforcing a principle that he, Andrew Carnegie, Jim Collins, and Gino Wickman believe in - your people are your business.

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Simplify Business With Less

Written by Don Tinney on May 6, 2010

For some, simple business might appear to be an oxymoron. Almost all of the businesses I have worked with in the past 30 years have been anything but simple. Is it possible to keep business simple, with a simple business structure, a simple business plan, simple business processes and simple management - is it really possible to simplify business?

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5 Leadership Skills Will Take Your Business to the Next Level

Written by Christina Mack on May 3, 2010

Are you hitting the ceiling? Either you are, you have, or you will; hitting the ceiling is inevitable. Hitting the ceiling is that feeling of being stuck, feeling frustrated, feeling as though there is not enough time in the day.

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Business Goals - Get What You Want From Your Business

Written by Don Tinney on April 30, 2010

Does that seem like an unrealistic expectation? Is it selfish or inappropriate to want something specific in return for all we invest in our businesses?

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