I heard this statement last week from one of our new EOS Implementers, and I was blown away by its powerful ability to summarize in five words what great leaders do to build healthy, open, and honest organizations.
Topics: Implementers, EOS, Leadership, Issues List, Organization
One of the most effective disciplines we teach all of our clients is compartmentalizing.
Topics: Implementers, EOS, Leadership, Issues List, Team, Goals
Put a Tidy Little Bow on It (and Save Hundreds of Wasted Hours)
Written by Christina Mack on July 27, 2010
The Issues Solving Track we teach is known as IDS, which is an acronym for “identify,” “discuss,” and “solve.” It is the simplest and best problem solving tool I’ve ever used.
Topics: Implementers, EOS, Issues List, IDS, Clarity
Most entrepreneurial leaders are frustrated. Some leaders are only occasionally frustrated, because they find ways to resolve their issues quickly and effectively. But many leaders have been frustrated about a lot of things for a very long time.
Some seem to have resigned themselves to the notion that running an entrepreneurial company is destined to be a long, painful series of never-ending frustrations.
Topics: Implementers, EOS, Leadership, Issues List, Business
"I didn't want to come to the meeting, but I'm glad I did." Over the years, I have heard that confession many times.
Topics: Implementers, EOS, Issues List, Traction, Meetings, Business, Clarity