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Why Entrepreneurial Companies Need a Visionary and an Integrator

Written by Don Tinney on December 14, 2015

It takes two types of leaders at the helm of a 10-250 person entrepreneurial organization to have the "Rocket Fuel" it needs to hit the next level: the Visionary and the Integrator.

The Visionary entrepreneur’s passion, drive and creativity are the key elements that help launch a business and fuel a company’s growth. But when a company is growing, the Visionary entrepreneur starts to feel swamped with the overwhelming workload, and their momentum begins to stall and sputter. Every great Visionary hits this threshold.

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Is your team solving the real issues…or just the symptoms?

Written by Randy Taussig on December 10, 2015

Sure, the “pop-pop-fizz-fizz” of Alka-Seltzer can provide temporary relief for an upset stomach, but it can only help so much.  Usually the problem stems from eating spicy or greasy food, so if you continue to eat the wrong foods, the stomachache just keeps coming back.

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Seven Keys to Effective Delegation

Written by Mike Paton on September 24, 2015

One thing most successful leaders do well is delegate. Being completely open and honest—this has never come naturally to me. As a busy manager and classic over-committer, I often chose to do something myself that could have been done just as well or better by another member of my team. As a result I spent too much time and energy on stuff I didn’t like to do and wasn’t very good at.

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Thunder and Lightning

Written by Jim Wardlaw on September 17, 2015

When I was a kid we’d started counting the moment we saw lightning strike. One one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one- BOOM, the thunder would roll through our neighborhood, shaking everything to its foundation.

When I read Gino Wickman and Mark Winter’s most recent book, Rocket Fuel, I thought, “What an apt metaphor for the roles of Visionary and Integrator.”

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Never Fire Anyone Ever Again!

Written by Mike Kotsis on September 14, 2015

I was on a phone call earlier this week with a client who has 40 employees. He told me about the sudden resignation of one his long-time managers. Here’s the story he shared with me.

“Last week at our quarterly management meeting, one of my key operations managers turned in his resignation. As we discussed the issue, he said all the extra pressure was too much for him to handle. I was thinking to myself, we haven’t even given him any more work to do. All we did was clarify expectations and improve our communication...   

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