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Perfect is the Enemy of Done

Written by Mike Paton on July 20, 2015

Wayne Gretzky said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take." Having spent more than 1,000 days in the trenches with entrepreneurs and their leadership teams, I can safely say that quotation applies just as well to business as it does to sports. Because when it comes to making decisions, calling things “done”, and launching important work—leaders and teams fall into three camps.

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Introducing the Concept of Good Turnover

Written by Jill Young on June 29, 2015

One of my clients recently had the word “turnover” on their issues list. After working to really identify the root cause of the turnover, and coming up blank, they asked me to help. The first thing I always ask is… “Is this good turnover, or bad turnover?”

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Building TRUST: The Great Multiplier of Performance

Written by Chris Naylor on June 25, 2015

Simply put, trust can accelerate or destroy any business or relationship.

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Did You Find the Right People for Your Leadership Team?

Written by Don Tinney on February 19, 2015

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Three Data Points

Written by Gino Wickman on June 25, 2012

A helpful discipline when giving feedback to someone, or having a tough conversation to help correct someone’s unproductive actions, is sharing three data points. Data points are examples of what the person is doing that demonstrates the bad behavior.

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