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Written by Rene Boer on December 1, 2011

You’ve probably seen the poster. It may even be somewhere in your office building. The poster depicts four men in a boat rowing as one. It’s titled “Teamwork” and the caption reads “together we achieve more”. If you have this poster in your office, you’ve probably looked at it so many times that it no longer stands out. It’s become part of the furnishings. The message may even have lost its meaning.

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Conflict in the Workplace

Written by Don Tinney on November 28, 2011

Some people are great at avoiding conflict in the workplace. All you need to do is keep your mouth shut or yield to the strongest voice in the room. If I am describing you, I want you to consider how damaging that behavior is for both you and your team. I also hope to give you some simple, practical suggestions for becoming a healthier fighter.

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Are You Tough Enough to Build a Strong Leadership Team?

Written by Gino Wickman on November 21, 2011

Having now worked very closely with over 100 companies, I find it easy to provide some very interesting stats on a percentage basis. One, which is the subject of this message, has to do with changes to leadership teams during the EOS Process. I’ve found that 80 percent of the time, one or more people change on the leadership team within the first two years of beginning the process.

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What Are You Obsessing About?

Written by Don Tinney on October 10, 2011

In one of our recent quarterly sessions, each leader on our EOS Worldwide leadership team invested a few minutes to compile a list of the few things we were going to obsess about going forward.

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September Tip of the Month

Written by Don Tinney on September 30, 2011

This month we have a tip to help you tune up your team.

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