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Trust Essentials

Written by Don Tinney on August 18, 2011

Trust is essential to exceptional team performance. It’s pretty hard to maintain a forward focus with teammates watching their backs and covering their tails.

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No Politicking

Written by Gino Wickman on August 11, 2011

How productive are your meetings?

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Make Your Meetings Great!

Written by Christina Mack on July 25, 2011

Assuming you’re having regular meetings with your leadership team—we recommend 90 minutes per week with the following Level 10 meeting agenda (download here)—there’s a way to improve, evolve, and perfect your meetings with a very simple discipline.

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Building a Winning Team

Written by Don Tinney on June 28, 2011

Building a winning team is the #1 goal of almost every coach and business owner. Who doesn’t want to win consistently?

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What is the Psychographic of Your Ideal Customer or Client?

Written by Gino Wickman on June 27, 2011

In most cases, an entrepreneur believes that “everyone” is a potential customer. This is simply not true, and after clarity is achieved, a substantially lower number of candidates is revealed. That’s the bad news. The great news is that this smaller number—when you identify who, what, and where they are, and align all your marketing and sales resources and efforts around them—means that you’ll drastically increase your business-development results.

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