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Are Your Profits Growing?

Written by Ed Callahan on June 16, 2011

Jay Goltz wrote an interesting blog post on 5/25/11 for the Small Business Section of the New York Times, entitled Not All Fixed Costs Are Truly Fixed. You can read the post here.

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Proactively Planning Your Good News

Written by Don Tinney on May 31, 2011

We encourage our clients to begin most meetings with a Segue into the meeting. Part of that segue or check-in involves reporting something good, personal and professional, that has occurred since your last meeting. The practice has to do with starting your meetings on a positive note, celebrating your wins and transitioning from working in the business to working on the business with your team.

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You Must Avoid 10 Bad Decision-making Habits

Written by Christina Mack on April 28, 2011

Hello all:

I felt compelled to give a little nudge on decision-making out there. It's a tad longer than normal but I think you'll find it worth it. "Happy Deciding"

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Seeing the Elephant

Written by Rene Boer on April 11, 2011

During the Civil War, soldiers who had a near death experience on the battlefield described it as “seeing the elephant”. In other words, they experienced something so overwhelming and so intimidating that they felt paralyzed, unable to act. They survived (by miracle or poor aim) but were forever scarred by the experience.

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For the Greater Good

Written by Rene Boer on April 4, 2011

A cohesive and effective leadership team makes decisions for the greater good of the organization. Members of the team are selfless, willing to put their egos and personal agendas aside and ask themselves what is best for their company. Unfortunately, when faced with tough decisions the first inclination is to make decisions based on how the outcome will affect us personally or our department. The winner is often the person who is most persuasive but the loser is the company whose leadership team is constantly infighting to protect its turf.

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