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Gino Wickman

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Are You Tough Enough to Build a Strong Leadership Team?

Written by Gino Wickman on November 21, 2011

Having now worked very closely with over 100 companies, I find it easy to provide some very interesting stats on a percentage basis. One, which is the subject of this message, has to do with changes to leadership teams during the EOS Process. I’ve found that 80 percent of the time, one or more people change on the leadership team within the first two years of beginning the process.

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Consensus Management Doesn’t Work

Written by Gino Wickman on November 7, 2011

I’m always fascinated with many leaders that I meet and work with who really believe that reaching consensus is the most effective way to make decisions. This is very dangerous due to delays, missed opportunities, and lack of respect from the troops waiting to be led. In addition, historically, the biggest and toughest correct decisions have been made when going with the minority, not the majority.

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Consider the Journey of Building Something Great

Written by Gino Wickman on October 25, 2011

Hello all:

Forgive me for getting a little Kumbaya on you here. I've had an unusual number of conversations lately about clients selling their companies versus keeping them.

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Live With It, End It, or Change It

Written by Gino Wickman on October 6, 2011

Do you have a tough decision to make?

Is there a challenge you’re currently wresting with? Let’s see if I can simplify it for you.

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A Glimpse of the Perfect You

Written by Gino Wickman on September 26, 2011

Imagine living every day in “the zone,” doing what you love with endless energy.

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